Network TwentyOne, also known as Network 21, is an education, training, and support system for Independent Business Owners (IBOs) working with the Amway business. It refers both to the company supplying professional development programs and to the network of affiliated IBOs themselves. It was founded in 1990 by Americans Jim and Nancy Dornan, IBOs with Amway, originally to support their Amway network in the United States and Australia. Through Network Twentyone senior Amway IBOs promote BSM (business support materials) to the captive market represented by the lower levels of the pyramid providing the IBOs at the top with an additional and independent source of income to that derived from bonus payments arising from the sales generated by the lower levels of the organisation. Network TwentyOne operates in more than 35 countries and is considered one of the largest Amway related organisations in the world.
Jim & Nancy Dornan began an Amway business in 1971. After their son Eric was born with severe birth defects they rapidly built one of the largest Amway businesses in North America. In the late 1980s and early 90s Amway began to expand and the Dornan's decided there was an opportunity to develop a support system to work with Amway internationally.,. In 1990 they founded Network 21 with a goal to build a business system "that ignores borders and languages". Initially based in the US and Australia, Network 21 expanded rapidly in Eastern Europe, China, Indonesia, Turkey, Phillipines and later India..